Wednesday, February 25, 2009

is indigo man really exist?? and what it means?

a few days ago i've watched an infotainment in tv. the last issue was about the end of the world... it told that it will happen at 2012?? many people belive and neither the other... and some people just calm down, if it will happen, just happen, so what will we do? i don't too care about when it will happen (because it certainty will happen, so we must have to getting ready to face that day)... oh ya, they said that one of the end of the world sign is a new generation of human born, they called indigo.

indigo? i thought it just a color name, it same like purple, violet, or blue dye (hehe but isn't that's right?) indigo man had been talked around the world this time, and they still called as strange human, but actually the case is not. indigo man have some ability that ordinary human doesn't have (you can search their ability over the internet), which one is well known by the people is they have six sense.

talking about indigo, i have just realized that one people in my class is a strange man... not just me, all students who know him are think that he is strange, all! i don't mean to talk his bad, but it fact! he always act strange, like talking to himself (sometimes i and my friend wondering than he talk to another creature..), act peculiarly, likes to sing a girl song! like britney, agnes monica, oh man.. sometimes he just humming, sometimes he singing loudly, whereas no one pay attention to him! and he act (or think?) peoples pay attention to him and like him if he suddenly shouted (of course we look toward to him if he startling! usually it really disturb us). and else, no reason or no sense, he talk something, loudly, and no one know what he means! no one want to be his friend. actually, not hate him, but don't like him. because he likes an anti social man, he likes never try to make friend. so he doesn't have any friend... nah, in this case, is he an indigo man??? hmmm...

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